@TTRockStars #IrelandRocks Superstars! 7th place in Ireland 🤗🎤🥇🏆
St Eoghan’s Primary School are incredibly excited to announce that they came 7th place in Ireland Rocks - a times tables competition run by Times Tables Rock Stars for Maths Week Ireland. We were placed 16th in last year's tournament and have been practising hard all year to improve our position this year!
The competition was fierce with 12,158,026 questions answered collectively by 14,953 pupils from more than 248 schools and 982 classes across the island of Ireland!
Our school stats were astonishing too. Our top class (Primary 6) answered an average of 3,870 questions correctly, coming in 11th place out of 982 classes and our Primary 5 class were hot on their heels, answering 3,436 average questions correctly, coming in 14th place!
Two of our P.6 pupils were placed in the top fifty pupils in Ireland throughout the competition, finishing in 49th and 50th place out of 14,953 pupils! This is an exceptional achievement and you both should be incredibly proud of yourselves🤩.
Well Done to everyone in Primary 5, 6 and 7 who took part and played with such tenacity. Can we beat this next year?!

St. Eoghan's Primary School, 51 Moneyneena Road Draperstown Magherafelt Co. Derry BT45 7EN Northern Ireland
Telephone: 028 7962 8008