Special gifts for our mammies 🌺 ❤️ 🥰
10th Mar 2024
P.5 & 6 have had a very busy week preparing to spoil their mammies today! We developed our ICT skills by creating beautiful Mammy and Mummy acrostics, showed off our beautiful artistic and writing ability with “Reasons I ❤️ You”, as well as using clay to create a very special pocket hug for our mammies to have us close when we’re away at school!
These were make with such love and care by all the children to thank you for your 💖 and all you do, and we know that you will treasure these forever!

St. Eoghan's Primary School, 51 Moneyneena Road Draperstown Magherafelt Co. Derry BT45 7EN Northern Ireland
Telephone: 028 7962 8008