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St. Eoghan's Primary School, Moneyneena

P.5 & 6 celebrating their special achievements ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿฅ‡

27th Oct 2023

Congratulations  to our recent  Primary 5 & 6 certificate winners. We are all so proud of you! These certificates were were awarded for a wide range of efforts and achievements, including showing great enthusiasm in each area of the curriculum, for being a model pupil, for always showing kindness and helpfulness towards others, for star effort with learning roman numerals and for making an exceptional  effort with our recent science investigation on finding out which materials are electrical conductors and insulators.


Another โ€œWell Done!โ€ to all the pupils who have gained new statuses over the last few weeks in Times Tables Rockstars. Your hard work has all paid off!

Well Done also to our two pupils who received Mathletics Silver awards today. You are both dedicated to getting your Bronze award each week and we are so proud of your great learning!