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St. Eoghan's Primary School, Moneyneena

Farewell to our wonderful Class of 2021 👋🤩🏆🤗

30th Jun 2021

Yesterday we bid a sad farewell to our wonderful P.7 class of 2021. Thank you to Fr Madden for celebrating the beautiful Leavers Mass to mark the end of your time here at St Eoghan’s.    

This was followed by our annual Prizegiving Ceremony in our playground, to recognise your achievements, talents and skills. It was so lovely to see our Primary 7 leavers of 2021 together as a class for one final time. We are so proud of each and every one of you and it has been an honour to watch you grow and flourish over the past 7 years. What great role models you have been and we cannot wait to hear about all the amazing things you will achieve as you move on to your next big adventure.   

The children were presented with  their Records of Achievement, and the following prizes were awarded:
  Literacy Cup

Culture & Heritage Award

Numeracy Cup

The Gracie-Mae “Heart of Gold” Award

Sports Person of the Year

Boy of the Year (voted for by the children)

Budding Artist Award

“Spirit of St Eoghan’s”


Friendship Award

Girl of the Year (voted for by the children)

The Principal’s Award

The Hugh McWilliams “Spirit of Generosity” Cup  

Well Done to you all!

Thank you also to our parent, Mrs Jenny Kelly for donating the amazing cupcakes to each P7 pupil🧁.     

May Our Lady of Fatima, Guardian of St Eoghan’s, bless and protect you all on every step of your journey 🙏