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St. Eoghan's Primary School, Moneyneena

Celebrating #WorldHeartDay in memory of our beautiful Gracie-Mae 💓

29th Sep 2020

We had a remarkable day today celebrating World Heart Day, wearing our red clothes and donating so generously to the Children’s Heartbeat Trust.  The total amount raised was £1113! On this day we remembered especially our beautiful angel, Gracie-Mae, who we know is always guiding us and looking after us.


With sincere thanks to Gracie-Mae’s family for organising this very special day in her memory, and for putting so much thought into a day that we will always remember.  Thank you also to one of our parents, Mrs Jenny Kelly, for donating the delicious heart cupcakes which the children (and staff!) enjoyed enormously 🧁!

Thank you parents for your amazing generosity. We know that it these are difficult times, and we were delighted that you all donated so generously to a cause that is very close to us all here in St Eoghan’s.