Celebrating Anti-Bullying week in P.5 & P.6
What a special week we have had this week, learning all about the theme of Anti-Bullying Week this year - "Choose Respect". We started the week by thinking about what respect is, and discussing who it is and how it feels when others show respect, and when they don't. We learned that good friendships are based on building trust and showing respect. We also talked about how important it is to show respect to ourselves, and using our inner voices to give ourselves compliments. We created our own "Choose Respect" pledges - see the pictures below!
On Tuesday we had such a special day celebrating "Odd Socks Day", emphasising how we should embrace and celebrate our differences, showing kindness towards others and refrain from judging them for their uniqueness!
On Wednesday we had the opportunity to celebrate World Kindness Day, but P.5 & 6 know that everyday should be a day filled with kindness and respect! We took part in a kindness assembly with the School of Kindness, learning about what it really means to be kind, how kindness is contagious , the impact kindness has on our physical and mental health and how we can each play our part in creating a kinder world. We wrote Kindness notecards to compliment others in school and out of school, and had a little chocolate treat to remind us to be "kinder" every day!

St. Eoghan's Primary School, 51 Moneyneena Road Draperstown Magherafelt Co. Derry BT45 7EN Northern Ireland
Telephone: 028 7962 8008