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St. Eoghan's Primary School, Moneyneena

Catholic Schools Week

25th Jan 2018

Catholic Schools Week for 2018 began on Thursday 25th January for all the Schools in Derry Diocese. P7 children from across the diocese were invited to St.Eugene's Cathedral in Derry City to celebrate Mass with Bishop Donal McKeown. Our P7s were given a special treat as the whole class got permission to attend the Mass and we really enjoyed the beautiful ceremony and Bishop Donal's brilliant homily. 

Some of the boys and girls in our class designed and painted an Icon of the Holy Family which we brought to Mass and placed on the altar of the Cathedral. It was lovely to see our beautiful Art work on display with all the other Schools from the diocese. We were also really lucky to have Fr Downey travel to Mass with us and to see him concelebrating during Mass. 

Finally we ended our day with a trip to McDonalds for lunch which was an extra special treat for the brilliant behaviour and example our P7s bring to all the pupils of our school every day. Well Done P7s. We are so proud of you😇😇😇.