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St. Eoghan's Primary School, Moneyneena


2019/2020 School Year

20th Dec 2019
P1 and P2 used 3D materials during creative activities. They developed their skills...
19th Dec 2019
Today the P4’s took part in an investigation to help them understand the process...
19th Dec 2019
Congratulations to the children who met their AR target for Term 1, their consistent...
19th Dec 2019
To celebrate the end of a busy and productive term we had a party today.  The...
19th Dec 2019
P4 have been busy making beautiful crafts over the last few days. 
13th Dec 2019
Extending our gratitude to our parents for generously supporting St Vincent de Paul...
5th Dec 2019
We had a great evening of fun at our annual onesie night. A little thank you from...
4th Dec 2019
Today the parents of the P7 children were invited into school to enjoy their Christmas...