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St. Eoghan's Primary School, Moneyneena


2019/2020 School Year

30th Jan 2020
Children select tools and join materials to put things together. Independence promoted...
30th Jan 2020
Children are experimenting by applying paint with various tools.Discussion of various...
30th Jan 2020
Our fine motor skills continue to be developed. Very impressive pieces and early...
30th Jan 2020
Movement and Force bring explored through creation of ramps.
30th Jan 2020
Children experiment with pulleys. Plan, design, test and evaluate.
29th Jan 2020
This is Catholic Schools Week; during this week schools throughout Ireland celebrate...
27th Jan 2020
P2 and P3 enjoyed investigating how ice melts. We looked at which materials would...
24th Jan 2020
STEM challenges in the Foundation Stage.
24th Jan 2020
School council members from St. Eoghan’s,Damhead and Mocosquin meeting to...
22nd Jan 2020
Our P4’s really enjoyed their STEM investigation today; they found out about...