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St. Eoghan's Primary School, Moneyneena


2020/2021 School Year

6th Jun 2021
Taking advantage of the beautiful weather  to continue our angles investigations...
6th Jun 2021
What a fun day we had on Friday with recording our whole-school Jerusalema dance....
6th Jun 2021
What a fabulous achievement for this Primary 5 boy on receiving his two million...
6th Jun 2021
Well Done to this week's prize winners in Primary 5 & 6! These children have...
4th Jun 2021
4th Jun 2021
We have watched our caterpillars grown and change to become beautiful butterflies.
31st May 2021
During the month of May, we celebrated Our Lady every single day! We prayed The...
31st May 2021
Earlier this month, during Mental Health Awareness week, Primary 5 & 6 spent...