🩸 🧫 ”Bloody” Investigating in Science🩸 🧫
17th Jan 2025
The Primary 5 & 6 scientists have been busy learning about what’s in our bodies as part of our “Mighty Me” topic. We were all very keen to learn more about what blood is, why we need it and why is it red?
We learned all about the different parts of blood and what each one does. We now know that the red blood cells carry oxygen, plasma helps it to flow around our bodies and carries waste products, white blood cells help stop us from getting sick, and the platelets help us to stop bleeding when we cut ourselves. Have a look at our Pic Collages and videos to see the gory fun for yourself!

St. Eoghan's Primary School, 51 Moneyneena Road Draperstown Magherafelt Co. Derry BT45 7EN Northern Ireland
Telephone: 028 7962 8008